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The University of Ottawa is one of Canada’s top research intensive Universities.  As such, a research infrastructure exists that provides top-notch resources to students and researchers.  In our field of research, high performance computing resources are critical for performing cutting-edge simulations.  At the moment our group has access to world-class computing facilities.

Group Computing Resources

The Wooki cluster is a small private computing cluster used by the Woo lab and other members of the Centre for Catalysis Research and Innovation. Wooki is a ~1000 core CPU and ~10000 core GPU cluster composed of several heterogenous Intel Xeon and AMD Opteron x86-64 resources including Infiniband IBM BladeCenters and Dell commodity compute nodes.


The group also has dedicated computing time on various super computing facilities administered by Compute Canada.

compute canada

Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science
University of Ottawa

Email: twoo@uottawa.ca
Fax: (613) 562-5170
Office: 545 King Edward
Room 26
Lab: 545 King Edward
2nd floor